Fedora Hüte

Hier findest du Hüte im Fedora-Stil von Herstellern wie unter anderem Stetson, Brixton und Rip Curl. Die Fedora-Hüte sind von hoher Qualität und sehr stilvoll gefertigt, also genau das Richtige für jeden, der nach einem echten Klassiker aus ist, einem Stil mit einer interessanten Geschichte und mit einem sicheren Platz in der Garderobe eines jeden Hut-Liebhabers. Wenn du gerne einen Hut haben möchtest, der viele Jahre lang hält, solltest du dich für ein Fedora-Modell entscheiden! Mit einem stilechten Fedora-Hut liegst du voll im Trend - finde deine Fedora-Hüte hier auf Hatstore.de, wir ziehen den Hut vor deiner Wahl!

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Fedora hut

The Fedora theme has its origin around 1891. The word Fedora comes from the title of a play from 1882 that was called Fedora. The play was written by Sarah Bernhardt, who herself played the princess Fedora Romazov, the heroine of the play. Fedora is wearing a soft brimmed hat in the play, one that was fashionable for women at the time. The women's liberation movement embraced the style as a symbol after Edward The Prince of Wales started to wear Fedora hats in 1924. It became popular with men due to its stylish design and ability to protect the head from wind and weather.

Fedora hats are strongly connected to the gangster culture as the big gangster period coincided with the time when hats become highly fashionable from the 1920s till early 1950s. During the second half of the 1950s the Fedora saw a drop in popularity in favour of a more informal fashion style. The Indiana Jones franchise during the 1980s gave the hat its renaissance and it returned as an obvious choice of hat. The Fedora has been linked to the hipster culture since the early 21st century. It is highly probable that the Fedora hat will stay around for a long time to come as it has been, and still is, a symbol for fashion consciousness and style. Find your Fedora hat in our wide collection here at Hatstore!